Metro UI is not a new interface so simple, but represents the PC from create content to consumption content application mode transformation. Users only need a simple browsing information, concise convenient Metro UI can greatly improve efficiency. Yes, Google and apple has tablet PC, but Windows8 to touch operation and flat computer fully support make it can gain new share. IOS and Android is not desktop operating system, when the user needs to desktop application level, still have to return to Windows or Mac, which is they both always wander in the consumer market can't to commercial important short plate. And Windows8 may in PC and flat model at any time between switch, add Windows for many years application accumulation, can foresee Windows8 tablet PC will have a huge market.
If a user at the same time use Windows flat and PC, both work together is greater window. Microsoft in the past few years is always talking about cloud and end strategy, and Windows8 is the strategic core embodiment. A computer installed on the Windows8 just add a new interface, but if you have more than two sets Windows8 computer operation, you'll find that Microsoft's cloud computing can make computer use jump to a new level: use the same account login any a Windows8 computer can get almost the same interface, personal Settings and data document, you don't have to ravel want to bring notebook computer - all Windows8 computer for users as can be.
Let the PC to meet consumption content trend of application, and at the same time, through the cloud + end strategy to realize data and application of roaming, this is Windows8 Microsoft in the ambition, hope to next year we can see caused by the beautiful earnings.
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